Update on “I need to do something about it”

Reported it to the SPCA and have had a follow-up already.   The inspector said the dogs are very well cared for .. they have a kennel, food and water at the back.  There is a large container of dog food in the garage.

The reason for them being locked up at the back (which apparently is big enough!) is that the main gate is broken and the one dog always runs out.  They have difficulty getting it back.    Apparently the owner has been contacted overseas and the neighbour is waiting for him to transfer money to repair the gate.  (Not likely going to happen as he only went overseas because his business folded and he was out of a job here – I very much doubt if he will send money to fix it .. I could be wrong though)

The inspector is very happy with the situation.

I have just overheard my one neighbour chatting to the neighbour in question, who is very upset that she was reported to the SPCA by ‘someone in the neighbourhood’ 

Oops now I feel bad 😦      How am I going to face her !   .. with a red and embarrassed face?!
(I also peeped over the wall when I was watering the garden near the wall and it is looking quite neat .. so I retract what I said about the inside – pool is still pea green !)

About momsmeanderings

Wife ... mom ... granny .. in a nutshell ! Never a dull moment !
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4 Responses to Update on “I need to do something about it”

  1. At least you know they are ok now. Do not punish yourself over this = what if they were not.

  2. Jenty says:

    Glad the dogs are ok… well… kind-of because they’re still left alone all day long with no company.

    • Exactly ! That was my whole point … they’re locked at the back while everyone else is in the front garden. They would love to be with them, I’m sure! Another point not related to the dogs .. it’s not very safe having a broken gate – anyone can walk in .. day or night .. but that’s not my problem!

  3. Firefly says:

    At least you now have peace of mind. When you talk to her just pretend like you know nothing or say you overheard her tell somebody about being reported. Act like you know nothing. Sorry, but I have to add a LOL!

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